Long hours, irresponsible ingredients, and unpaid labor plague the restaurant industry, and many guests dine in places that don’t align with their values. Would eating at a restaurant where the hidden costs of food are revealed still be palatable? MAD alumni put ideals on the menu, highlighting hospitality’s complexities, even as they reimagine how passion, craft, and community can create a delicious experience for workers and guests alike.
The price below is per person. The price does not include ticket fees.
Your host
Pop-up coordinator Aly Beveridge is an alumni of MAD academy’s Environment and Sustainability program as well as a recent graduate of the University of Copenhagen’s Integrated Food Studies program. She is joined by Lily Simpson, Renato Atunes, Chris Locke, Daniela Triana, and Julian Arrayan. Together, they’ve co-created the menu and experience design along with the help and input of alumni from all over the world.
MAD Academy equips hospitality professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to effect meaningful change. Our intensive courses in Leadership and Business and in Environment and Sustainability combine practical information with an inspirational approach and endow our students with the training and the motivation to transform both their workplaces and the way the world eats.
Meet the food talents of tomorrow at Fiskerizakajaen
With the ambition of lifting the gastronomic heirs of the future, Copenhagen Cooking and Fiskerizakajaen; Fiskerikajens culinary playground at Smedetoften in Copenhagens Nordvest-quarter, give young chefs the opportunity to become restaurateurs for a day. Ambitious and talented chefs will have a complete restaurant at their disposal so they can put themselves, their concept and menu to the test for the festival guests of Copenhagen Cooking. Take a look at the impressive line-up of talents of tomorrow at Copenhagen Cooking and Fiskerizikajaen here.
Optional alcoholic pairing, or non-alcoholic beverages can be purchased on the night.
Arrangementet er en del af Copenhagen Cooking, en årligt tilbagevendende madfestival i København. I 10 dage fra den 18. – 27. august samler vi de absolut bedste kokke, restauranter, gastro-nørder, kulturinstitutioner og madfolk for at hylde hovedstadens madscene.
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