The history of packed lunches

Presented by Cafe & Ølhalle 1892

The history of our packed lunches is closely linked to that of the workers in Copenhagen. They left a significant imprint on the 20th Century food culture with their cold, buttered rye bread lunches.

In the only listed basement restaurant in Copenhagen, you can taste – but also listen to a captivating lecture about the cultural heritage of the packed lunch, while you enjoy a Krenkerup beer and spice infused snaps stored especially for the residents and guests of the capital city.

This event will be held in Danish.

The price below is excluding ticket fees.

Address: Cafe & Ølhalle 1899, Rømersgade 22, 1362 København K

En del af Copenhagen Cooking

Arrangementet er en del af Copenhagen Cooking, en årligt tilbagevendende madfestival i København. I 10 dage fra den 20. – 29. august samler vi de absolut bedste kokke, restauranter, gastro-nørder, kulturinstitutioner og madfolk for at hylde hovedstadens madscene.

Følg Copenhagen Cooking her:

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