On this day, Claus Meyer will promote Danish cabbage in many shapes and colours as he unfolds his creativity within the many possibilities of cabbage. Be inspired by how cabbage can be used in the kitchen as Claus roasts, ferments and regrows cabbage, while the audience will be treated to crispy kale chips served with rich crème fraiche.
Your host
Claus Meyer is a gastronomic entrepreneur with a big E, and he has something to say when it comes to green cuisine. For many years, Claus has set the agenda when it comes to local, good ingredients - and not least how they can be used in everyday food as well as in a festive context.
A part of Kål & Ko
The event is part of Kål & Ko, which is part of Copenhagen Cooking's programme both on the festival site and the general programme. Kål & Ko aims to inspire the audience to use dairy in the green kitchen and explore how dairy can contribute lots of flavours and nuances when cooking dishes with vegetables and legumes.
The Kål & Ko project is supported by ‘Mælkeafgiftsfonden’.
Cabbage in focus
This year's headliner at Copenhagen Cooking 2024 is cabbage, and under the heading Cabbage Love, it will play an undisputed leading role in the ambition to make this versatile vegetable even more attractive.
Cabbage is full of flavour, affordable, filling, full of health and good for the body and the climate - and it thrives in our local climate. See all food events with cabbage in focus here and buy this year's cabbage poster by Pine Cone Project here.
Read more about this year's headliner here.
Garden-grown produce
Arrangementet er en del af Copenhagen Cooking, en årligt tilbagevendende madfestival i København. I 10 dage fra den 16. – 25. august samler vi de absolut bedste kokke, restauranter, gastro-nørder, kulturinstitutioner og madfolk for at hylde hovedstadens madscene.
Følg Copenhagen Cooking her:
Eventet er en del af det åbne sceneprogram på festivalpladsen, hvor det er gratis at deltage. Billet er ikke nødvendig.
The event is part of the open stage programme at the festival site, which is free to attend. No ticket is required.