There's no doubt that sustainability is on everyone's lips. Companies are racing to do the right thing and responsibility is in high demand. It's not always easy to figure out, but one thing is certain - if we run together and stand on each other's shoulders, we'll get further.
During the experience, you will be served a cold beer and of course a taste of what a chocolate croissant without chocolate tastes like!
Your hosts
In this talk, you can hear Michael Rahbæk from Nørrebro Bryghus talk about working with beer and sustainability. And aboutEndless Food and Christian Alexander Møller Bach, who gives new life to Nørrebro Bryghus' by-product - worm, and Mads Hermansen from Food People, who has just introduced a chocolate croissant without chocolate to their range - all of course organic.
You'll be served a cold beer and of course a taste of what a chocolate croissant without chocolate tastes like.
Reserve your free beer and croissant by picking up a free ticket. If the tickets are sold out, you can still turn up on the day and the remaining beer and croissants will be handed out on a first-come, first-served basis to the talk's audience.
Arrangementet er en del af Copenhagen Cooking, en årligt tilbagevendende madfestival i København. I 10 dage fra den 16. – 25. august samler vi de absolut bedste kokke, restauranter, gastro-nørder, kulturinstitutioner og madfolk for at hylde hovedstadens madscene.
Følg Copenhagen Cooking her: