Social Dining Appetit.

Presented by Appetit ApS

Social dining - Create new friendships through food. 

Appetit are welcoming  you to an evening filled with delicious food, fine wine and as always great company. 
The evening starts with picking a number. The number you pick represents the seat that you are going to be placed at. The rest of the guests does the same until all the guests in the restaurant have been placed at random. 

In that way you can make new acquaintances with people you otherwise maybe wouldn´t have met. 

Come in and enjoy an evening you won´t forget and who knows - maybe you will meet some new friends. 

The menu is as follows: 
Deep-fried scallops with cauliflower mayo and pickled chili. 
Steak tartar with tarragon mayo, pickled red onion, puffed potatoes, cress and horseradish. 
Hake wrapped in savoy cabbage, 3 x jerusalem artichoke, smoked lemon sauce and basil oil.
"Tiramisu" Créme brûlée. 

Address: Sct Olai Gade 29A

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