Treat: 42% dicount on a free choice of burger menu and beer / soda at Proud Mary Copenhagen

Presented by Proud Mary Copenhagen

Only a stone's throw away from City Hall Square, you'll find a refreshing reinterpretation of the familiar English pub. Since Rosie retired in 2020, Proud Mary Pub has taken the torch and filled the old premises at Vesterbrogade 2 with soul and charisma.

The green walls and authentic artworks adorning them embrace the diversity of its audience with live music for the early crowd and DJs for the late-night crowd. It's neither the size of your wallet nor your outfit that determines whether you feel at home. The atmosphere is laid-back, and you'll see everyone from people in suits to football jerseys - besides, of course, the staff sporting tartan kilts.

This is where you come to watch sports or enjoy an after-work beer, dance on the tables, celebrate milestones, or make new acquaintances.

What You Get

Enjoy our delicious burgers at Proud Mary in Copenhagen, where coziness is included! Choose your favorite burger and beer / soda from our menu and create your own perfect burger experience. Freely select from our exquisite burger options:

Mary Burger: Juicy beef patty from Grambogaard, mary mayo, cheddar, red onions, and homemade pickles.
Bacon Chili Cheese Burger: Beef patty from Grambogaard, chili mayo, cheddar, bacon, homemade pickled onions, and chili cheese toppings.
Chicken Burger: Chicken, garlic mayo, bacon, homemade pickles, and red onions.
Steak Burger: Grilled steak, mustard mayo, crispy onion rings, homemade pickles, and beer-marinated onions.
Vegetarian Burger: Fried halloumi, mayo, red onions, arugula, and marinated mushrooms.

And to top it all off, all our burgers are served with delicious crispy fries and a choice of beer or soda. Choose for example Brooklyn Stonewall, Too Old To Die Young Party Crasher to an ice-cold Coca-Cola, and much more - the choice is yours!

Address: Vesterbrogade 2A, 1620 København

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Kampagnepris: 125 kr

Spar op til 40%

Adresse: Vesterbrogade 2A, 1620 København

Indløsningsperiode: Værdibeviset kan indløses til og med d 29. februar 2024 i alle åbningsdage før kl. 16.00. Husk at booke dit bord på forhånd, for at sikre dig at der er plads.

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Værdibeviser til Madbillet Treat afviger fra vores normale betingelser. Der er 14 dages fortrydelsesret, men herefter kan du ikke få refunderet dit værdibevis. Madbillet Treat leveres af aftaleparten, og Madbillet er ikke ansvarlig for levering af tjenesteydelsen. Kunden er selv ansvarlig for at anvende værdibeviset i indløsningsperioden, da Madbillet ikke udsender påmindelser herom. 

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