Take an audio-guided gastronomic walk, narrated by the Danish actress Ellen Hillingsø, through the meadows of Søndermarken with peculiar stories in your ears and a gastro-basket under your arm.
During Copenhagen Cooking, the Frederiksberg Museums offer a special edition of their gastronomic audio walk. For this unique evening event, you walk through one of the capital's most beautiful parks with a gastro-basket under your arm and stories in your ears. In the basket you will find small taste experiences rooted in the pickle methods of the past and the five basic tastes: salty, sour, sweet, bitter and umami. All the taste variations are created based on the area's nature and history and developed by Bakkehuset's head chef, Fie Berlin, in collaboration with the professional herbal collector, Thomas Laursen.
Gastronomic audio walk - a journey through time and place
After visiting the underground darkness of the Cisterns, you will be guided on a hike through Søndermarken. Find the long avenue, Norske Allé, with the hundred-year-old linden trees that stand stoically towering with their green heart-shaped leaves and experience the dramatic landscape at the so-called Norwegian party with a slender wooden bridge, water, and hilly terrain. Let the stories of different times unfold on your way through the park while you are guided through unique taste experiences:
"In a little while you go out on the bridge, and at the highest point you stop and look at the city through the leaves of the trees - from the middle you can see the spire of Frederiksberg Church, you are still in the middle of a big city. But in a quiet moment under the spruces, in a space between land and water. Take the jar with the blue lid and take the contents into your mouth”. Extract from the Frederiksberg Museums Gastronomic audio walk.
The hike ends in one of the city's finest oases, Bakkehuset, the hearth of the Danish golden age, where H.C. Andersen and other poets once gathered. Here on the edge of the city of dreams and the green heart of the capital, the gastronomic audio walk ends with summer drinks, created on herbs from Kamma Rahbek's famous romantic garden, and communal singing under the chestnut tree.
The price below is excluding ticket fees.
The gastronomic walk starts in the Cisterns in Søndermarken, opposite Frederiksberg Castle.
After the exhibition visit, the gastro-basket will be handed out for the walk in the Cisterns' ticket sales.
The gastro-basket is handed over in Bakkehuset after the walk.
The contents of the basket are not adequate as a meal.
The walk can be challenging for visually impaired and people with walking difficulties.
Recommended age limit: 15 years and up.
Participants must be dressed in practical clothing and footwear.
Prior to participation, you must download the app Frederiksbergmuseerne on the App Store, Google Play or online at www.frederiksbergmuseerne.dk
Arrangementet er en del af Copenhagen Cooking, en årligt tilbagevendende madfestival i København. I 10 dage fra den 18. – 27. august samler vi de absolut bedste kokke, restauranter, gastro-nørder, kulturinstitutioner og madfolk for at hylde hovedstadens madscene.
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